Please note that our offices are closed unti August 4th. All orders will be processed from August 5th. Thank you and enjoy the summer season!


[Aerial photos]

> I have not received my digital photos yet, what is going on?

If you have not received you images yet (within the specified processing time), please:

  1. Verify your spam/ junk mail - you can then authorize the email
  2. Add as a verified email address
  3. Verify with your IT service to check if the email adress has been blocked because of firewalls or junk filters.
  4. If you still have not received it, call us.

> Where do I find the photo date?

You can access to photodate (month and day) for all analog films. At the photo selection step, you have to click on the i (information). On this page, you will find a thumbnail if available, photo date and other information such as scale and owner.

> Do you have any photo prior to 1959?

Aerial photos before 1959 can be found at National air photo library or Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.

> What is a scale or a resolution?

The scale is a relation between a physical distance (on a photo) and the same distance on the ground (i.e. 1:15000, one milimeter ont he photo is 15 millimeters on the ground (15m)). The resolution  is the pixel size of the imahe on the ground (i.e. 20cm, one pixel refers to 20 cm on the ground)

> Which softwares open .TIF files?

Many softwares can do such as Windows Viewer, Preview or other specialised softwares such as Photoshop, ARC GIS, Global Mapper and others. The photos are usually between 20 and 100 mb and 100 mb, which sometimes makes it long to open. If you want a lighter format, please select the 300 dpi (pdf) option.

> Where can I find the photo date?

In the search process, more precisely at the Photo selection, you can click on the little i next to the photo number. You will then see the photo date if available.

> Do you sell satellite imagery?


>I cannot buy a photo if I can see it before.

If the photo has not been digitalized yet, you cannot see it prior to the sale because the original film is stored in our vaulted. However, we offer search consultation.

> Do you sell maps.

You have a free access to digital files on Données Québec. If you want printed maps, some business offer it such as Zone Cartes .

> What is an emulsion?

It is the type of photo, either black and white, color or infrared.



> Where do I sign up?

At anytime, you can create an account by clicking on Sign in (in the right corner) and then Create an account.

> How to delete or modify photos in my cart?

If you want to delete everything in your cart, there is a button called Clear shopping cart.

If you want to delete, add or modify a photo, you must click on the pen icon linked with your search. You can modify your options and support or if you go back from one step, you can delete or add photos and update your shopping cart.

> I'm trying to upload a shapefile and it doesn't work.

Make sure that your coordinates are included in your file. If not, you must add the .zip file including all complementary fils such as (.prj, .dbf, .sbn,.shx, .sbx, .cpg).

> Where do I find old invoices?

All invoices can be found the My Account section / My orders. You can see, print or save as a pdf.

Any invoice prior to October 20th, 2020 can be sent by email, simply write to us.

> How can I create a quote?

You must simply go through the search process. When you are asked to check out, you can select the option Create a quote. You receive it by email and can retrieve it in My Account / My Quotes. At any moment, you can order the content of your quote. If you want to see the video about this topic, click here.

More than 2M of aerial photos
More than 2M of aerial photos

for Quebec province since 1960

40 years of experience
40 years of experience

in managing and scanning historical imagery

Customer service
Customer service

ready to help you